Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Where in the world is the Raub family?

Crazy schedule! This marks the 4rd consecutive weekend that we were at a different church every every service. God is so Good!

Sunday morning found us in Fredricksburg, Maryland, at the Ambassador Baptist Church. It was patriot day! So we joined right in and pulled out a few flag-waving numbers. In the afternoon we traveled in our rig to go to Hanover, Pennsylvania. We had great services with Missionary Bible Baptist church that evening. Praise the Lord for another great day to love and worship Him!

Ambassador Baptist church in Fredricksburg, MD.

Playing some patriotic music on the brass instruments...

Dad preached on being 'a blooming christian' out of psalm 92.

Talking with a army vet who was directly involved in the cleanup at the pentagon on 9/11.

The view off the front steps of the church!

Gettin' ready to go at MBBC...

Dad breaking the bread in the PM service!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Meeting on the Mountain

Youth rally! Dry Run Independent Baptist Church hosts it on the last Saturday in September. Brother Lee Bowman preached 2 great messages, and we were privileged to provide the special music.

And a great time was had by all!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Vernon Baptist Church Preachers Jubilee

This week we were extremely blessed to be a part of a special meeting in Tunkhannock, PA. Many of the folks that were with us in the meeting in Sellersburg, IN. Best of all, the Lord met with us! His power was evident throughout the services from the singing and preaching to the testifying and praying.

We had a good crowd most every service...

The special music was excellent!

Bro. Jon Jenkins was a tremendous blessing in his preaching...

and when just hanging out.

Bro. Tim Davenport's son, Jonah...

Here's the 'volunteer choir' that we put together for the week.

My family were privileged to sing a few...

Jon and I singing 'Champion of Love' with bro. Tim (not pictured here) :)

Playing some softball...

with some of the folks at the meeting...

Bro. Jerry Harris and his minions...

One of the best preachers I know, Dr. Bob Hamblin.

As I write, we are rolling down the road in our rig toward the next meeting; a youth rally in Duncansville. Please be praying that we'll be a help to the folks that we'll be with.


Monday, September 21, 2009

Psalm 86:12

"I will praise thee, O Lord my God, with all my heart: and I will glorify thy name for

evermore. "

Sunday services: Blessed Hope Bible Church, Liverpool, PA in the AM, Victory Baptist Church, Linden, PA in the PM! Praise the Lord for traveling safety and His grace in blessing us with these wonderful opportunities!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Pizza + volleyball = :-)

We had a blast yesterday! Since we're only in town (Harrisburg) for just a few days, and we don't have time to see all the friends and family individually, we decided to have a big get together at the park for pizza and volleyball! Had more that 30 people show up. Great fun!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

A day on the water

Have you ever tried to do a 360 out on the water? No, I'm not talking about turning the boat around, I'm talking about standing on a small disk and spinning in circles while being towed by the speedboat. Well that's what Jon and I got to do earlier this week while we were in Pittsburgh! Tons of fun. A guy from the bro. Gelfand's Church took Jonathan and I out on the river in his cool little ship. We ended up water skiing and using that curious little red disk that could be used in a wide variety of ways. Enjoy some of the pictures of the outing!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Serve the Lord with gladness!

On Sunday my family and I sang at Sewickley Lighthouse Baptist church in the morning, and Dad taught Sunday school for Pastor Richard Gelfand. Then in the evening, we went to Janette, PA where we sang for bro. Robert Ross and Heritage Baptist Church. We even got to fellowship with some old (yet, not-so-old) friends, the Turnbull family. :)

I love singing with my family! We get excited every time we get to use our voices to blend harmony to express our praise to God. Psalm 7:17 says:
"I will praise the LORD according to his righteousness: and will sing praise to the name of the LORD most high. "
Singing has been called by some the "highest form of meditation". Why don't you purpose in your heart to spend a few minutes today singing or listening to some good, worshipful music?

As they say, practice makes perfect!

Teaching at SLBC

Jonathan & I got to teach Junior Church that morning!

Sharing our ministry with HBC

Thank God for friends that just stay faithful to the Lord!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Bearing Precious Seed & the Creation Museum

Yesterday our family was treated to two tours. First, the director of BPS printing ministry in Milford, Ohio, bro. Al Braley, took us on a tour of the complex. He said that last year they printed over 9,200,00 scriptures! And next, Pastor Duttry, of First Baptist of Milford, somehow was able to get tickets for us to go to Ken Ham's creation museum for free!

And so the Lord blessed with a wonderful time.

Two things that I enjoy are writing, and music. I haven't the talent that I'm sure some of you have for both, but I'm focusing a little more time to songwriting. I would be interested in hearing some of your tips and tricks if you have some!

Let's all continue to use our efforts to give glory to God.
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