Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Hey ya'll, my most humble apologies. we're all like, what!? no post for like, 3 weeks! wow! what's up! well, I'll tell you what's up! (or down, in this case) my internet has been toast for a while, so, yeah. hence my radio silence for a while. well, I was trying to post a video, but it's been giving me fits, so enough of that. I'll stick to pics & words, how's that? (for now, anyhow.)
so, ANYWAY, all has been going reasonably well, and we've all been staying pretty busy. last week we had revival meetings with bro. Joe Sturz from Oshkosh, WI. he did a great job, and everybody got some help. the Lord blessed and we were all enouraged and strengthened in the Lord.
so... before I go, here are some pics of this year... just some random pics I thought we might enjoy.

I don't know, I just enjoy being around airplanes. :) Jonathan and I went down to the airport in Burnet, Texas, and just hung out for a while. Jon even got to fly a Piper super Cub. cool, eh?

Yeah, for the Christmas play last year, they had me coler my hair grey. Guess I was supposed to look old or something.

Harvest Baptist Church in Temple TX asked me to come and preach for them on a sunday night. so Sharon & I sang a few songs, and I preached out of II Timothy 1.

Here's my morning drive to work every day...

I just had to add this one... :) Missionary Floyd Brown and his wife came rolling for the revival services last week in a cool looking Dodge Charger, and I couldn't resist...

'til next time...

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