Yesterday we watched sailplanes get flung into the sky, and today explored some WWII battlesites like the Battle of the Bulge!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Well, we've just got back from the trip to east Germany, and many are the pics that could be posted. (And many are the stories that could be told!) The beginning of the week found us at High Point Baptist Church, with pastor Duane Beech and his crew. Jonathan, I and bro. Green were asked to give testimonies during Sunday School, and Bro. Green preached on 'by the way' for the morning service! Afterwords we ate at a cool German restaurant, where I had some sort of Schnitzel. Anyway, it tasted good. :) Drove in the afternoon to Garmich, where we were with bro. Ryan Johnson for the evening service. They decided to put us up in the missions apartment above the church, which was essentially in the town square! Sweetness! Of course, all of this is smack-dab in the middle of the Alps with beautiful mountains surrounding the classic south German town. The view from my bedroom window was amazing.
Monday morning: jump in the van and head on over to the Neushwantstien Castle (the most famous castle in Germany)! It's an extremely large fortress/mansion that sits on top of a hill that overlooks a tremendous valley. The castle itself is not that old; it was built in the late 1800's! Nearby was a cool waterfall, about 100 feet high with crystal clear water. Just absoulutely beautiful. (Jon even went swimming!) Also nearby was King Ludwig's parents Castle... not as big but still pretty nice!
On Tuesday, Jacob, Jon and I went hiking to the top of a mountain called Kruizek; it was a pretty steep climb for a few hours, but the view was definitely worth it. When you get up there on the top of a mountain with the wind blowing in your face and the 360 degree view, it seems that God is so close... it's awesome. Something you have to experience at least once in your life...
So that's what I've been up to these past few days of radio/internet silence... God is so good! LGBM!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Ever just pile into a van with a bunch of missionaries and roar off toward the Chezk Republic? Well, not to brag, but I just got back from doing just that! Below are just a fraction of the possible pics that could be posted. Yesterday The green family and Jon and I drove to Eastern Germany to visit a church on this side of the country that had asked bro. Green to preach. The pastor's Parents took us into Czechoslovakia (now the chezk republic), and we had a grand afternoon of touring the towns. Enjoy!
Today Jonathan and I, the Green family, and the Isabel family all jumped on a train and went on over to the cit of Koln (pronounced like Cologne), Germany . It was cool! It's the home of the Largest church in northern Europe... which is absolutely monstrous. We toured the Dom cathedral and it's surrounding area, distributing gospel tracts as we went. Hey, we even did a little street preaching! Some of the pics below were taken from the view from the tower (a few hundred feet up). Wow, eh? God blessed us with a wonderful time with safety and good ond fashioned Christian fellowship!
I am a 19 year old preacher's son who hangs his hat deep in the heart of Texas. ;) But right now, I'm on a 'multi-seasonal summer tour' with my family as some of my friends like to say... we travel in our motor coach, singing and preaching our way around the country! Cool, eh? I'm your typical guy, and yet... not quite your typical guy. I was saved at the age of 6 praise God!), and called to preach a couple of years later. I'm wild about music! (don't quite know what I'd do without it;) One of my most favorite verses in the Bible is I Timothy 1:17 - "Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen."