Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Serve the Lord with gladness!

On Sunday my family and I sang at Sewickley Lighthouse Baptist church in the morning, and Dad taught Sunday school for Pastor Richard Gelfand. Then in the evening, we went to Janette, PA where we sang for bro. Robert Ross and Heritage Baptist Church. We even got to fellowship with some old (yet, not-so-old) friends, the Turnbull family. :)

I love singing with my family! We get excited every time we get to use our voices to blend harmony to express our praise to God. Psalm 7:17 says:
"I will praise the LORD according to his righteousness: and will sing praise to the name of the LORD most high. "
Singing has been called by some the "highest form of meditation". Why don't you purpose in your heart to spend a few minutes today singing or listening to some good, worshipful music?

As they say, practice makes perfect!

Teaching at SLBC

Jonathan & I got to teach Junior Church that morning!

Sharing our ministry with HBC

Thank God for friends that just stay faithful to the Lord!


Rebekah said...

Looks like a wonderful service,I love doing Jr.Church!!!

Lydia said...

It was great! :)

Whalen Family said...

I thought it was interesting that your family sang at Sewickly Lighthouse Baptist Church. Our family just sang there for their Old Fashioned Sunday.
Check us out.

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