Friday, July 24, 2009

Youth camp completed

Yesterday we wrapped up one of the best weeks of camp that I've ever been a part of. Attitudes were unselfish, spirits were in tune with God, and a joyful air was a wonderful refreshment! Here are some pics of the final few days...

Even though it rained on Wednesday, pastor Jordan kept the whole thing going smoothly.

Representatives from each team participate in the bible quiz!

Bro. Fusco preached some great messages, including "How to get God to forgive you", and "What you need is love".

Everyone worked very hard on their scripture memory sheets.

Dad gives the morning devotional at the flagpole...

Plenty of games were played (including volleyball)

The nine finalist who completed all 70 of their scripture verses competed in the scripture quote-off. And Sharon Raub was the winner!

The winning team! Go Ephraim!

Thank God for a wonderful time spent at the Pleasant Valley Youth Camp.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

Hurrah! A wonderful week at camp indeed!

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