Monday, November 2, 2009

Airborne and Special Ops Museum

Even though we are missionaries to the military, we won't let a chance pass to learn more, and to rub shoulders with our servicemen (and women). On Friday we went to a museum outside of Fort Bragg, which is the home of the highly decorated 82nd Airborne Division. It didn't disappoint. It's really incredible to see what the special forces fly in, jump out of, shoot, eat, sleep in, drive around in; the whole enchilada!

As we were walking in, over some memorials for soldiers killed in the most recent wars, this woman comes up and says, "That one is my husband." He was a Helicopter pilot that was shot down just 2 years ago. Amazing.

A tank...

A Humvee...

And a couple of fully outfitted (realistic) dudes.

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