Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Merry Christmas Ya'll!
But not anymore! Jon flew out to visit folks in Michigan for a couple of weeks just this afternoon. And I'm flying down to Houston before long to begin pastor internship at Bayou Drive Baptist Church! Wherever the Lord moves us, he seems to have plenty for us to do... we'll not be letting the dust settle, that's for sure.
I sure am blessed this Christmas, but then again, aren't we all?
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
to the Bayou and back
Starting at 2:00PM and running all the way up to the evening service, we exchanged questions and answers regarding our specific beliefs and standards. It was great to help keep things fresh in your mind about what you believe! And it all went well. In the evening service, I preached a message entitled, "A passion for God", out of Psalm 42:1. As I expected I was more nervous about preaching than I was about answering questions!
But God is good.
On Monday, I was dropped off at the airport at 2PM, and because a series of mishaps, gate changes, terminal changes, airline changes, and departure time changes, wheels didn't leave the ground until about 10:30PM. Crazy. But I'm thankful to be back with my family here in Greenville, SC. I'll keep ya'll updated on the status of the Internship as things unfold. LGBM!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Thursday, November 26, 2009
A Marine's thanksgiving note
This morning I ran across these thoughts from A U.S marine, Staff Sgt. Mark A. Wojciechowski, concerning the Holiday that we call thanksgiving.
Thanksgiving often passes to some as another holiday: a day of food, family and football, with little more than just tradition and routine setting the tone. To some, it reminds them of the "American Heritage," the whole pilgrims came, made peace with the Indians, shared a harvest together -- and we still celebrate that today.
Thanksgiving is also, to most, a time to give thanks to the Lord, from which all things are made possible and whom without, there would be nothing to be thankful or unthankful for.
Perhaps it is now, [as] I am growing older and have a newfound respect for simpler and less tangible things, or the fact that I am unable to be where I would like to be sometimes, [that] I can describe what Thanksgiving means to me.
Obviously, Thanksgiving means being thankful for the things you have, but what does that include? I am thankful for being blessed with a wonderful family, a family that supports me in every way and is always there for me, even though I try not to need them as much as I probably should. I am thankful for health and well-being, not only my own, but the health and well-being of those around me which I love.
I am thankful for the society we live in and the comforts we take for granted each and every day. Although many will think our system is far from perfect, at least we can rest our heads each night without even so much as a remote worry of bombs being dropped, bullets being shot or poverty in our future.
Of all of the things I am thankful for, none of them would be as rich as they are without giving proper thanks to all of those who have given the ultimate sacrifice, in wars past and present, to give me the liberty and freedom.
Even though I am serving in the military and will be spending this holiday away from my home and my family, I am thankful for all of my brethren -- the troops that are currently serving in harm's way. Not only are they away from their families, but they won't even have the pleasure of safety or rest this holiday weekend.
I hope you have a happy and safe holiday. After all, I think being together is one of the things people overlook. It doesn't mean as much until you can't have it.
As for me, my holiday will be just fine. I will be surrounded by a great group of guys, which I have come to love as brothers.

Monday, November 23, 2009
A Declaration of Freedom
"Because we honor justice and the common good, we will not comply with any edict that purports to compel our institutions to participate in abortions, embryo-destructive research, assisted suicide and euthanasia, or any other anti-life act; nor will we bend to any rule purporting to force us to bless immoral sexual partnerships, treat them as marriages or the equivalent, or refrain from proclaiming the truth, as we know it, about morality and immorality and marriage and the family. We will fully and ungrudgingly render to Caesar what is Caesar's. But under no circumstances will we render to Caesar what is God's."
Pass it along!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Fishing tales
Thursday night. We want to get involved in as much of the action as we can, so we go with Grace Baptist church to do some visitation. And guess what? Before the night is over, we're seeing 3 people bow their heads. Pray the sinners prayer. And be born again into the family of God. SWEEEEEEEEEEEET! Some awesome fishing story, I tell ya.
OK, so then, since we're near the ocean, and we hear they got fish in there, we get little bro Jason rigged up with a pole and some bait, and we're off the pier. And before we know it, he's hauled in a shark! OK, so it was 21 or so inches long, but until you can catch one PERIOD, we'll laud him for his achievement. And no, it didn't bite our heads off.
OK, so I like fishing. On the lake, on the river, on the coast, it's awesome. But as much as I enjoy the feel of a fighter on the end of my line, I'll trade it for fishing for men, any day of the week!
Just can't beat it.

Thursday, November 19, 2009
Aviation Wednesday
Here's Dad talking to a WWII vet, who just happens to be the recipient of both the Purple Heart and the Navy Cross
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Family time on the coast
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
Friendship Baptist Church
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
Monday, November 2, 2009
Airborne and Special Ops Museum
As we were walking in, over some memorials for soldiers killed in the most recent wars, this woman comes up and says, "That one is my husband." He was a Helicopter pilot that was shot down just 2 years ago. Amazing.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Gone Fishing II
Ah well, the pics were great, and it was a grand time out smack in the middle of God's created splendor!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
Morning Star Baptist Church
Three people got saved! That'll make you day, for sure.
Praise the Lord for like-minded Christians to fellowship with.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
The scoop about the 'troops'
In the meantime, we're visiting some of the churches in this area, and God's been allowing us to get involved in the singing and the preaching as well! A week ago, I had the opportunity to preach chapel at one of the local christian schools, and Jon at the mission!
We've not been gathering rust, because the He's been pouring out the oil for us.
I've been reading through the New Testament lately, and today I started in on Romans. Verse 1 of the first chapter says, "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ..." and I thought that it's kind of like this. Let's say you ran across an ancient cure for a widespread and deadly disease. You knew that if you could just tell these sick folks about the cure for their ailment, you wouldn't have any trouble doing whatever it took to get the cure into their hands.
You would do it, even if some people thought you were crazy and weird.
I say, "but it's a little strange to stand on the street corner giving out gospel tracts." Paul says, "I don't care, because it changes lives." I say, "People will look at me like I'm crazy if I knock on their door with a Bible under my arm." Paul says "Jesus can fill the emptiness in their soul and life." And I say, "What will my lost cousin think if I tell him about God's love?" Paul says, "if we can just pull back the curtains and let the Light in, he'll be a totally new person."
This is convicting stuff. I have this phobia of wierd looks and stares. But I feel certain that 99% of you feel the same way. Nobody likes to be thought of a strange! But my desire for God's power to be seen in a HUGE way is going to overpower those feelings. My love for Him is going to be bigger than my view of them. With me?
Just a thought. It may require a thinking cap, and don't do it without a Bible handy.
Psalm 70:4 Let God Be magnified!